Frequently Asked Questions

Who does STAY serve?
All Pet Owners – not only seniors! And dogs, cats, birds, fish and other household pets.
What towns do you serve?
STAY Pet Services are available in Beverly, Essex, Gloucester, Hamilton, Ipswich, Manchester By-The-Sea, Rockport, Topsfield, and Wenham.
If STAY is a service of a non-profit organization, what do the proceeds support?
All proceeds support the STAY program and allow STAY to provide pet care services to low-income elders and adults with disabilities at little to no cost.
Why choose STAY over another pet business?
For the reasons above, plus SeniorCare’s comprehensive Human Resources process requires that every STAY staff person and volunteer has an in-person interview, clean Criminal Record and Sex Offender Registry Checks, and a good driving record if transporting pets.