STAY Brings Me to the Vet

When my human can’t get me to my vet appointment, the woman with the red STAY t-shirt comes to help. You see, I like to play the hiding game. My favorite hiding spaces are under the dresser, on top of the refrigerator, and inside the ripped mattress cover where I squeeze in pretty far (I’m actually quite thin under my beautiful fur).

The STAY human is very good at this game and always wins! She quickly catches me and puts me into the cat carrier, no matter how much I fuss. The next I know, we’re in the car heading to the vet’s office.

Sometimes my human comes, and sometimes it’s just the STAY human and me. I like riding in the backseat because I can see the sky outside through the top of the carrier door. I see clouds whizzing by, bright blue sky and sometimes rain on the window.

We go to the vet just like I do with my human, and the nice STAY human sits with me in the waiting room to make sure no big, drooling dogs get too close, and even hangs out with me when I’m being examined. Then she drives me home. I look forward to seeing her again so we can play the hiding game!

If you want STAY to transport your pet to the vet, write to STAY on the Contact page, or call 978-865-3518.